Diamond Editor  1.5.0
Menu Option Information
Syntax Type
   C/C++ Auto select: .c .h .cpp
   CMake Auto select: cmakelists.txt .cmake
   Clipper Auto select: .prg
   CSS Auto select: .css
   DoxyPress Auto select: .dox .doxy .doxypress
   Error Log Auto select: .err .log .errlog
   HTML Auto select: .htm .html
   Java Auto select: .java
   JavaScript Auto select: .js
   Json Auto select: .json
   Makefile Auto select: Configure, Configure.ac, Makefile, Makefile.am, Makefile.in
   Nsis Auto select: .nsis
   Plain Text Auto select: .txt
   Shell Script Can be selected manually
   Perl Auto select: .pl
   PHP Auto select: .php .php3 .php4 .php5
   Python Auto select: .py
   XML Auto select: .xml .ts
   None Can be selected manually
File Format
   Unix Format (LF only) Toggle to set current document to the Unix file format
   Windows Format (CR/LF) Toggle to set current document to the DOS file format
Convert Tabs to Spaces Convert tabs to spaces
Convert Spaces to Tabs Convert spaces to tabs
Remove Trailing Spaces Remove trailing white spaces at the end of each line