DoxyPress  1.6.0

The following is a list of HTML tags which can be used in your documentation. The HTML tags are translated to the proper commands for output formats which are not HTML. However, the attributes of a HTML tag will only be used when generating HTML output and are ignored for all other output formats.

For the a tag all output formats support the href and name attributes.

HTML TagsDescription
<a href="..."> Starts a hyperlink, if supported by the output format
<a name="..."> Starts a named anchor, if supported by the output format
</a> Ends a link or an anchor
<b> <Starts a piece of text displayed in a bold font
</b> Ends a <b> section
<blockquote> Starts a quotation block
</blockquote> Ends the quotation block
<br> Forces a line break
<center> starts a section of centered text
</center> ends a section of centered text
<caption> Starts a caption. Use within a table only
</caption> Ends a caption. Use within a table only
<code> Starts a piece of text displayed in a typewriter font
</code> Ends a <code> section
<dd> Starts an item description
</dd> Ends an item description
<dfn> Starts a piece of text displayed in a typewriter font
</dfn> Ends a <dfn> section
<div> Starts a section with a specific style (HTML only)
</div> Ends a section with a specific style (HTML only)
<dl> Starts a description list
</dl> Ends a description list
<dt> Starts an item title
</dt> Ends an item title
<em> Starts a piece of text displayed in an italic font
</em> Ends a <EM> section
<hr> Writes a horizontal ruler
<h1> Starts an unnumbered section
</h1> Ends an unnumbered section
<h2> Starts an unnumbered subsection
</h2> Ends an unnumbered subsection
<h3> Starts an unnumbered subsubsection
</h3> Ends an unnumbered subsubsection
<h4> Starts an unnumbered subsubsection
</h4> Ends an unnumbered subsubsection
<h5> Starts an unnumbered subsubsection
</h5> Ends an unnumbered subsubsection
<h6> Starts an unnumbered subsubsection
</h6> Ends an unnumbered subsubsection
<i> Starts a piece of text displayed in an italic font
</i> Ends a <i> section
<img src="..." ...> The src attribute is mandatory, other attributes for this tag only work with HTML output
<kbd> Starts a piece of text displayed in a typewriter font
</kbd> Ends a <KBD> section
<li> Starts a new list item
</li> Ends a list item
<ol> Starts a numbered item list
</ol> Ends a numbered item list
<p> Starts a new paragraph
</p> Ends a paragraph
<pre> Starts a preformatted fragment
</pre> Ends a preformatted fragment
<small> Starts a section of text displayed in a smaller font
</small> Ends a <small> section
<span> Starts an inline text fragment with a specific style (HTML only)
</span> Ends an inline text fragment with a specific style (HTML only)
<strong> Starts a section of bold text
</strong> Ends a section of bold text
<sub> Starts a piece of text displayed in subscript
</sub> Ends a <sub> section
<sup> Starts a piece of text displayed in superscript
</sup> Ends a <sup> section
<table> Starts a table
</table> Ends a table
<td> Starts a new table data element
</td> Ends a table data element
<th> Starts a new table header
</th> Ends a table header
<tr> Starts a new table row
</tr> Ends a table row
<tt> Starts a piece of text displayed in a typewriter font
</tt> Ends a <tt> section
<ul> Starts an unnumbered item list
</ul> Ends an unnumbered item list
<var> Starts a piece of text displayed in an italic font
</var> Ends a <var> section

HTML Characters or Entities

The following is a table containing the HTML characters or entities which can be used in your documentation.

Characters or EntitiesDescription
&nbsp; non-breaking space
&iexcl; Inverted exclamation mark: ¡
&cent; cent sign: ¢
&pound; pound sign: £
&curren; currency sign: ¤
&yen; yen sign: ¥
&brvbar; broken vertical bar: ¦
&sect; section sign: §
&uml; spacing diaeresis: ¨
&copy; copyright sign: ©
&ordf; feminine ordinal indicator: ª
&laquo; left pointing guillemet: «
&not; not sign: ¬
&shy; soft hyphen, discretionary hyphen: ­
&reg; registered trade mark sign: ®
&macr; overline: ¯
&deg; degree sign: °
&plusmn; plus minus sign: ±
&sup1; superscript digit one: ¹
&sup2; superscript digit two: ²
&sup3; superscript digit three: ³
&acute; acute accent: ´
&micro; micro sign: µ
&para; pilcrow sign, paragraph sign: ¶
&middot; middle dot: ·
&cedil; cedilla: ¸
&ordm; masculine ordinal indicator: º
&raquo; right pointing guillemet: »
&frac14; fraction one quarter: ¼
&frac12; fraction one half: ½
&frac34; fraction three quarters: ¾
&iquest; inverted question mark: ¿
&Agrave; latin capital letter A with grave: À
&Aacute; latin capital letter A with acute: Á
&Acirc; latin capital letter A with circumflex: Â
&Atilde; latin capital letter A with tilde: Ã
&Auml; latin capital letter A with diaeresis: Ä
&Aring; latin capital letter A with ring above: Å
&AElig; latin capital letter AE: Æ
&Ccedil; latin capital letter C with cedilla: Ç
&Egrave; latin capital letter E with grave: È
&Eacute; latin capital letter E with acute: É
&Ecirc; latin capital letter E with circumflex: Ê
&Euml; latin capital letter E with diaeresis: Ë
&Igrave; latin capital letter I with grave: Ì
&Iacute; latin capital letter I with acute: Í
&Icirc; latin capital letter I with circumflex: Î
&Iuml; latin capital letter I with diaeresis: Ï
&ETH; latin capital letter ETH: Ð
&Ntilde; latin capital letter N with tilde: Ñ
&Ograve; latin capital letter O with grave: Ò
&Oacute; latin capital letter O with acute: Ó
&Ocirc; latin capital letter O with circumflex: Ô
&Otilde; latin capital letter O with tilde: Õ
&Ouml; latin capital letter O with diaeresis: Ö
&times; multiplication sign: ×
&Oslash; latin capital letter O with slash: Ø
&Ugrave; latin capital letter U with grave: Ù
&Uacute; latin capital letter U with acute: Ú
&Ucirc; latin capital letter U with circumflex: Û
&Uuml; latin capital letter U with diaeresis: Ü
&Yacute; latin capital letter Y with acute: Ý
&THORN; latin capital letter THORN: Þ
&szlig; latin small letter sharp s, esszett: ß
&agrave; latin small letter a with grave: à
&aacute; latin small letter a with acute: á
&acirc; latin small letter a with circumflex: â
&atilde; latin small letter a with tilde: ã
&auml; latin small letter a with diaeresis: ä
&aring; latin small letter a with ring above: å
&aelig; latin small letter ae: æ
&ccedil; latin small letter c with cedilla: ç
&egrave; latin small letter e with grave: è
&eacute; latin small letter e with acute: é
&ecirc; latin small letter e with circumflex: ê
&euml; latin small letter e with diaeresis: ë
&igrave; latin small letter i with grave: ì
&iacute; latin small letter i with acute: í
&icirc; latin small letter i with circumflex: î
&iuml; latin small letter i with diaeresis: ï
&eth; latin small letter eth: ð
&ntilde; latin small letter n with tilde: ñ
&ograve; latin small letter o with grave: ò
&oacute; latin small letter o with acute: ó
&ocirc; latin small letter o with circumflex: ô
&otilde; latin small letter o with tilde: õ
&ouml; latin small letter o with diaeresis: ö
&divide; division sign: ÷
&oslash; latin small letter o with slash: ø
&ugrave; latin small letter u with grave: ù
&uacute; latin small letter u with acute: ú
&ucirc; latin small letter u with circumflex: û
&uuml; latin small letter u with diaeresis: ü
&yacute; latin small letter y with acute: ý
&thorn; latin small letter thorn: þ
&yuml; latin small letter y with diaeresis: ÿ
&fnof; latin small f with hook = function = florin: ƒ
&Alpha; greek capital letter alpha: Α
&Beta; greek capital letter beta: Β
&Gamma; greek capital letter gamma: Γ
&Delta; greek capital letter delta: Δ
&Epsilon; greek capital letter epsilon: Ε
&Zeta; greek capital letter zeta: Ζ
&Eta; greek capital letter eta: Η
&Theta; greek capital letter theta: Θ
&Iota; greek capital letter iota: Ι
&Kappa; greek capital letter kappa: Κ
&Lambda; greek capital letter lambda: Λ
&Mu; greek capital letter mu: Μ
&Nu; greek capital letter nu: Ν
&Xi; greek capital letter xi: Ξ
&Omicron; greek capital letter omicron: Ο
&Pi; greek capital letter pi: Π
&Rho; greek capital letter rho: Ρ
&Sigma; greek capital letter sigma: Σ
&Tau; greek capital letter tau: Τ
&Upsilon; greek capital letter upsilon: Υ
&Phi; greek capital letter phi: Φ
&Chi; greek capital letter chi: Χ
&Psi; greek capital letter psi: Ψ
&Omega; greek capital letter omega: Ω
&alpha; greek small letter alpha: α
&beta; greek small letter beta: β
&gamma; greek small letter gamma: γ
&delta; greek small letter delta: δ
&epsilon; greek small letter epsilon: ε
&zeta; greek small letter zeta: ζ
&eta; greek small letter eta: η
&theta; greek small letter theta: θ
&iota; greek small letter iota: ι
&kappa; greek small letter kappa: κ
&lambda; greek small letter lambda: λ
&mu; greek small letter mu: μ
&nu; greek small letter nu: ν
&xi; greek small letter xi: ξ
&omicron; greek small letter omicron: ο
&pi; greek small letter pi: π
&rho; greek small letter rho: ρ
&sigmaf; greek small letter final sigma: ς
&sigma; greek small letter sigma: σ
&tau; greek small letter tau: τ
&upsilon; greek small letter upsilon: υ
&phi; greek small letter phi: φ
&chi; greek small letter chi: χ
&psi; greek small letter psi: ψ
&omega; greek small letter omega: ω
&thetasym; greek small letter theta symbol: ϑ
&upsih; greek upsilon with hook symbol: ϒ
&piv; greek pi symbol: ϖ
&bull; bullet: •
&hellip; horizontal ellipsis: …
&prime; prime: ′
&Prime; double prime: ″
&oline; overline: ‾
&frasl; fraction slash: ⁄
&weierp; script capital P: ℘
&image; blackletter capital I: ℑ
&real; blackletter capital R: ℜ
&trade; trade mark sign: ™
&alefsym; alef symbol: ℵ
&larr; leftwards arrow: ←
&uarr; upwards arrow: ↑
&rarr; rightwards arrow: →
&darr; downwards arrow: ↓
&harr; left right arrow: ↔
&crarr; carriage return: ↵
&lArr; leftwards double arrow: ⇐
&uArr; upwards double arrow: ⇑
&rArr; rightwards double arrow: ⇒
&dArr; downwards double arrow: ⇓
&hArr; left right double arrow: ⇔
&forall; for all: ∀
&part; partial differential: ∂
&exist; there exists: ∃
&empty; empty set, diameter: ∅
&nabla; nabla, backward difference: ∇
&isin; element of: ∈
&notin; not an element of: ∉
&ni; contains as member: ∋
&prod; product sign: ∏
&sum; summation: ∑
&minus; minus sign: −
&lowast; asterisk operator: ∗
&radic; square root: √
&prop; proportional to: ∝
&infin; infinity: ∞
&ang; angle: ∠
&and; logical and: ∧
&or; logical or: ∨
&cap; intersection: ∩
&cup; union: ∪
&int; integral: ∫
&there4; therefore: ∴
&sim; tilde operator: ∼
&cong; approximately equal to: ≅
&asymp; almost equal to: ≈
&ne; not equal to: ≠
&equiv; identical to: ≡
&le; less-than or equal to: ≤
&ge; greater-than or equal to: ≥
&sub; subset of: ⊂
&sup; superset of: ⊃
&nsub; not a subset of: ⊄
&sube; subset of or equal to: ⊆
&supe; superset of or equal to: ⊇
&oplus; circled plus: ⊕
&otimes; circled times: ⊗
&perp; perpendicular: ⊥
&sdot; dot operator: ⋅
&lceil; left ceiling: ⌈
&rceil; right ceiling: ⌉
&lfloor; left floor: ⌊
&rfloor; right floor: ⌋
&lang; left-pointing angle bracket: ⟨
&rang; right-pointing angle bracket: ⟩
&loz; lozenge: ◊
&spades; black spade suit: ♠
&clubs; black club suit: ♣
&hearts; black heart suit: ♥
&diams; black diamond suit: ♦
&quot; quotation mark: "
&amp; ampersand: &
&lt; less-than sign: <
&gt; greater-than sign: >
&OElig; latin capital ligature OE: Œ
&oelig; latin small ligature oe: œ
&Scaron; latin capital letter S with caron: Š
&scaron; latin small letter s with caron: š
&Yuml; latin capital letter Y with diaeresis: Ÿ
&circ; modifier letter circumflex accent: ˆ
&tilde; small tilde: ˜
&ensp; en space:  
&emsp; em space:  
&thinsp; thin space:  
&zwnj; zero width non-joiner: ‌
&zwj; zero width joiner: ‍
&lrm; left-to-right mark: ‎
&rlm; right-to-left mark: ‏
&ndash; en dash: –
&mdash; em dash: —
&lsquo; left single quotation mark: ‘
&rsquo; right single quotation mark: ’
&sbquo; single low-9 quotation mark: ‚
&ldquo; left double quotation mark: “
&rdquo; right double quotation mark: ”
&bdquo; double low-9 quotation mark: „
&dagger; dagger: †
&Dagger; double dagger: ‡
&permil; per mille sign: ‰
&lsaquo; single left-pointing angle quotation mark: ‹
&rsaquo; single right-pointing angle quotation mark: ›
&euro; euro sign: €

DoxyPress Characters

The following is a table containing characters or entities specific to DoxyPress which can be used in your documentation.

DoxyPress CharactersDescription
&tm; Trade mark sign: ™
&apos; Apostrophe: '