DoxyPress  1.6.0
Output Formats

The following output formats are generated directly by DoxyPress.

Generated if generate-html is set to YES in your project file
Generated if generate-docbook is set to YES in your project file
Generated if generate-latex is set to YES in your project file
Generated if generate-man is set to YES in in your project file
Perl Module
Generated if generate-perl is set to YES in in your project file
Generated if generate-rtf is set to YES in your project file
Generated if generate-xml is set to YES in your project file

The following DoxyPress output formats require an external program to generate the actual final output.

CHM (Compiled HTML Help)
Generated by Microsoft's HTML Help workshop from the HTML output, generate-chm is set to YES in your project file
DocSets (Xcode)
Compiled from HTML with a special index file which is generated when generate-docset is set to YES in your project file
Generated from HTML with a special index file which is generated when generate-eclipse is set to YES in your project file
Latex (PDF)
Generated from the LaTeX output by running make pdf Set latex-pdf to YES and latex-hyper-pdf YES in your project file
Latex (PostScript)
Generated from the LaTeX output by running make ps Set latex-hyper-pdf to NO in your project file
QtHelp (.qch)
Generated by the Qt qhelpgenerator program using the HTML output if generate-qthelp is set to YES in your project file