CopperSpice API
This is the complete list of members for QPen, including all inherited members.
QPen() | QPen | |
QPen(Qt::PenStyle style) | QPen | |
QPen(const QColor &color) | QPen | |
QPen(const QBrush &brush, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle style=Qt::SolidLine, Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle=Qt::SquareCap, Qt::PenJoinStyle joinStyle=Qt::BevelJoin) | QPen | |
QPen(const QPen &other) | QPen | |
QPen(QPen &&other) | QPen | inline |
brush() const | QPen | |
capStyle() const | QPen | |
color() const | QPen | |
dashOffset() const | QPen | |
dashPattern() const | QPen | |
isCosmetic() const | QPen | |
isSolid() const | QPen | |
joinStyle() const | QPen | |
miterLimit() const | QPen | |
operator QVariant() const | QPen | |
operator!=(const QPen &other) const | QPen | inline |
operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QPen &pen) | QPen | friend |
operator=(const QPen &other) | QPen | |
operator=(QPen &&other) | QPen | inline |
operator==(const QPen &other) const | QPen | |
operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QPen &pen) | QPen | friend |
setBrush(const QBrush &brush) | QPen | |
setCapStyle(Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle) | QPen | |
setColor(const QColor &color) | QPen | |
setCosmetic(bool cosmetic) | QPen | |
setDashOffset(qreal offset) | QPen | |
setDashPattern(const QVector< qreal > &pattern) | QPen | |
setJoinStyle(Qt::PenJoinStyle joinStyle) | QPen | |
setMiterLimit(qreal limit) | QPen | |
setStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) | QPen | |
setWidth(int width) | QPen | |
setWidthF(qreal width) | QPen | |
style() const | QPen | |
swap(QPen &other) | QPen | inline |
width() const | QPen | |
widthF() const | QPen | |
~QPen() | QPen |