CopperSpice API  1.9.2

Support for reading and writing files in an XML format. More...


class  QDomAttr
 One attribute of a QDomElement More...
class  QDomCDATASection
 XML CDATA section More...
class  QDomCharacterData
 Generic string in the DOM More...
class  QDomComment
 XML comment More...
class  QDomDocument
 XML document More...
class  QDomDocumentFragment
 Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument More...
class  QDomDocumentType
 Representation of the DTD in the document tree More...
class  QDomElement
 One element in the DOM tree More...
class  QDomEntity
 XML entity More...
class  QDomEntityReference
 XML entity reference More...
class  QDomImplementation
 Information about the features of the DOM implementation More...
class  QDomNamedNodeMap
 Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name More...
class  QDomNode
 Base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree More...
class  QDomNodeList
 List of QDomNode objects More...
class  QDomNotation
 XML notation More...
class  QDomProcessingInstruction
 XML processing instruction More...
class  QDomText
 Text data in the parsed XML document More...
class  QXmlAttributes
 XML attributes More...
class  QXmlContentHandler
 Interface to report the logical content of XML data More...
class  QXmlDTDHandler
 Interface to report DTD content of XML data More...
class  QXmlDeclHandler
 Interface to report declaration content of XML data More...
class  QXmlDefaultHandler
 Default implementation of all the XML handler classes More...
class  QXmlEntityResolver
 Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data More...
class  QXmlErrorHandler
 Interface to report errors in XML data More...
class  QXmlInputSource
 Input data for the QXmlReader subclasses More...
class  QXmlLexicalHandler
 Interface to report the lexical content of XML data More...
class  QXmlLocator
 XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file More...
class  QXmlNamespaceSupport
 Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support More...
class  QXmlParseException
 Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface More...
class  QXmlReader
 Interface for XML readers More...
class  QXmlSimpleReader
 Implementation of a simple XML parser More...

Detailed Description

The CsXml library provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.