DoxyPress  1.6.0
Building from Source

The following files and utilities will be required in order to build DoxyPress and DoxyPressApp from source code.

# Package Notes
1 DoxyPress source codeDoxyPress 1.4.2 source
Source on github
2 DoxyPressApp source codeDoxyPressApp 1.4.2 source
Source on github
3libClang 10.0.1Building DoxyPress from source requires linking with both libClang and libTooling.
Pre-built binary versions of clang 10.0.1 are available on our download site.    Prebuilt clang binaries
To build from source refer to Building libClang and libTooling
4 CopperSpice libraries

The DoxyPress program is linked with the CopperSpice libCsCore and libCsXml libraries. DoxyPressApp is linked with libCsCore, libCsGui, libCsNetwork, and libCsXml.

Download CopperSpice binaries    - OR -    Download CopperSpice source code

5 CMake Refer to CopperSpice Overview Docs
6 C++ Compiler Refer to CopperSpice Overview Docs

For additional information about the build process for CopperSpice refer to our CopperSpice Overview documentation.

Building CopperSpice for Unix

Building CopperSpice for Mac OS X

Building CopperSpice for Windows

Build Process Using CMake

The build process consists of two steps. Follow the same procedure to build DoxyPressApp.

Step 1  Configure DoxyPress by running cmake

The following command will configure DoxyPress for a release version. If you need to pass any CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS they should be set in your environment or passed on the command line.

cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [path_to_doxypress]

Step 2  Compile and install DoxyPress by running the following command.

ninja install