DoxyPress  1.6.0

Supported Languages

DoxyPress supported languages include: C, C++, C#, Fortran, IDL, Java, Objective-C, PHP, Python, and Tcl.

Supported Output Formats

DoxyPress supported output formats include: html, chm, docbook, docset, eclipse, latex, rtf, and xml.


The steps listed below occur when DoxyPress is parsing your source code.

  • Markdown formatting is replaced by the corresponding HTML tags or DoxyPress commands
  • Commands inside your documentation are processed, refer to General Commands for additional information
  • If a line begins with whitespace followed by one or more asterisks, then all leading whitespace and asterisks are removed
  • Blank lines are treated as a paragraph separator
  • Links are created for words corresponding to documented classes, if the word is preceded by a percent sign then no link will be created
  • Links to members are created when certain patterns are found in the text, refer to Auto Links for more information
  • HTML tags are interpreted and converted to LaTeX equivalents for the LaTeX output
  • Refer to HTML Tags for documentation regarding supported HTML tags

Extract All from Source

If the extract-all tag is not set in your project file, DoxyPress will only generate documentation for documented entities. For members, classes, and namespaces there are a few options:

  • Use a comment block in front of the declaration or definition for a class, member, or namespace
  • For a class, namespace member, or file, the documentation can be placed after the member with trailing comment syntax
  • Use a comment block anywhere, it must begin with a "structural command"

The advantage of the first option is you do not have to repeat the name of the entity.

Files can only be documented using the third option since there is no way to put a documentation block before a file.


For full documentation about comment blocks and structural commands refer to Documenting Source.