CopperSpice API  1.9.1
QPaintDeviceWindow Class Reference

Subclass of the QWindow class. More...

Inheritance diagram for QPaintDeviceWindow:
QWindow QPaintDevice QObject QSurface QOpenGLWindow QRasterWindow

Public Slots

void update ()
- Public Slots inherited from QWindow
void alert (int msec)
bool close ()
void hide ()
void lower ()
void raise ()
void requestActivate ()
void requestUpdate ()
void setHeight (int height)
void setMaximumHeight (int height)
void setMaximumWidth (int width)
void setMinimumHeight (int height)
void setMinimumWidth (int width)
void setTitle (const QString &title)
void setVisible (bool visible)
void setWidth (int width)
void setX (int x_value)
void setY (int y_value)
void show ()
void showFullScreen ()
void showMaximized ()
void showMinimized ()
void showNormal ()
- Public Slots inherited from QObject
void deleteLater ()

Public Methods

qreal devicePixelRatio () const
int height () const
void update (const QRect &rect)
void update (const QRegion &region)
int width () const
- Public Methods inherited from QWindow
 QWindow (QScreen *screen=nullptr)
 QWindow (QWindow *parent)
virtual ~QWindow ()
QSize baseSize () const
Qt::ScreenOrientation contentOrientation () const
void create ()
QCursor cursor () const
void destroy ()
qreal devicePixelRatio () const
QString filePath () const
Qt::WindowFlags flags () const
virtual QObjectfocusObject () const
QSurfaceFormat format () const override
QRect frameGeometry () const
QMargins frameMargins () const
QPoint framePosition () const
QRect geometry () const
int height () const
QIcon icon () const
bool isActive () const
bool isAncestorOf (const QWindow *child, AncestorMode mode=IncludeTransients) const
bool isExposed () const
bool isModal () const
bool isTopLevel () const
bool isVisible () const
QPoint mapFromGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const
QPoint mapToGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const
QRegion mask () const
int maximumHeight () const
QSize maximumSize () const
int maximumWidth () const
int minimumHeight () const
QSize minimumSize () const
int minimumWidth () const
Qt::WindowModality modality () const
qreal opacity () const
QWindow * parent () const
QPoint position () const
void reportContentOrientationChange (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
QSurfaceFormat requestedFormat () const
void resize (const QSize &newSize)
void resize (int w, int h)
QScreenscreen () const
void setBaseSize (const QSize &size)
void setCursor (const QCursor &cursor)
void setFilePath (const QString &filePath)
void setFlags (Qt::WindowFlags flags)
void setFormat (const QSurfaceFormat &format)
void setFramePosition (const QPoint &point)
void setGeometry (const QRect &rect)
void setGeometry (int x_pos, int y_pos, int w, int h)
void setIcon (const QIcon &icon)
bool setKeyboardGrabEnabled (bool grab)
void setMask (const QRegion &region)
void setMaximumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMinimumSize (const QSize &size)
void setModality (Qt::WindowModality modality)
bool setMouseGrabEnabled (bool grab)
void setOpacity (qreal level)
void setParent (QWindow *parent)
void setPosition (const QPoint &pt)
void setPosition (int x_pos, int y_pos)
void setScreen (QScreen *screen)
void setSizeIncrement (const QSize &size)
void setSurfaceType (SurfaceType surfaceType)
void setTransientParent (QWindow *parent)
void setVisibility (Visibility v)
void setVulkanInstance (QVulkanInstance *instance)
void setWindowState (Qt::WindowState state)
QSize size () const override
QSize sizeIncrement () const
SurfaceType surfaceType () const override
QString title () const
QWindow * transientParent () const
Qt::WindowType type () const
void unsetCursor ()
Visibility visibility () const
QVulkanInstancevulkanInstance () const
int width () const
Qt::WindowState windowState () const
WId winId () const
int x () const
int y () const
- Public Methods inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~QObject ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QList< QObject * > & children () const
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
bool disconnect (const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
bool disconnect (const QString &signalMethod=QString (), const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
void dumpObjectInfo ()
void dumpObjectTree ()
QList< QStringdynamicPropertyNames () const
virtual bool event (QEvent *event)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
template<typename T >
findChild (const QString &childName=QString ()) const
template<class T >
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &regExp, Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
template<class T >
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &childName=QString (), Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
bool inherits (const QString &className) const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isWidgetType () const
bool isWindowType () const
void killTimer (int id)
const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const
QObject * parent () const
template<class T = QVariant>
property (const QString &name) const
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
bool signalsBlocked () const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType=Qt::CoarseTimer)
QThreadthread () const
- Public Methods inherited from QSurface
virtual ~QSurface ()
virtual QSurfaceFormat format () const = 0
virtual QSize size () const = 0
bool supportsOpenGL () const
SurfaceClass surfaceClass () const
virtual QPlatformSurfacesurfaceHandle () const = 0
virtual SurfaceType surfaceType () const = 0
- Public Methods inherited from QPaintDevice
virtual ~QPaintDevice ()
int colorCount () const
int depth () const
int devicePixelRatio () const
qreal devicePixelRatioF () const
int height () const
int heightMM () const
int logicalDpiX () const
int logicalDpiY () const
bool paintingActive () const
int physicalDpiX () const
int physicalDpiY () const
int width () const
int widthMM () const

Protected Methods

int metric (PaintDeviceMetric metric) const override
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event)
- Protected Methods inherited from QWindow
bool event (QEvent *event) override
virtual void exposeEvent (QExposeEvent *event)
virtual void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *event)
virtual void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *event)
virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent *event)
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event)
virtual bool nativeEvent (const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result)
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
virtual void tabletEvent (QTabletEvent *event)
virtual void touchEvent (QTouchEvent *event)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)
- Protected Methods inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
int receivers (const QString &signal) const
QObject * sender () const
int senderSignalIndex () const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)
- Protected Methods inherited from QSurface
 QSurface (SurfaceClass type)
- Protected Methods inherited from QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice ()


- Properties inherited from QWindow
- Properties inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QWindow
enum  AncestorMode
enum  Visibility
- Public Types inherited from QSurface
enum  SurfaceClass
enum  SurfaceType
- Public Types inherited from QPaintDevice
enum  PaintDeviceMetric
- Public Signals inherited from QWindow
void activeChanged ()
void contentOrientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
void focusObjectChanged (QObject *object)
void heightChanged (int newHeight)
void maximumHeightChanged (int newMaxHeight)
void maximumWidthChanged (int newMaxWidth)
void minimumHeightChanged (int newMinHeight)
void minimumWidthChanged (int newMinWidth)
void modalityChanged (Qt::WindowModality modality)
void opacityChanged (qreal newOpacity)
void screenChanged (QScreen *screen)
void visibilityChanged (QWindow::Visibility newVisibility)
void visibleChanged (bool newVisible)
void widthChanged (int newWidth)
void windowStateChanged (Qt::WindowState windowState)
void windowTitleChanged (const QString &newTitle)
void xChanged (int newX)
void yChanged (int newY)
- Public Signals inherited from QObject
void destroyed (QObject *obj=nullptr)
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
- Static Public Methods inherited from QWindow
static QWindow * fromWinId (WId id)
- Static Public Methods inherited from QObject
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection, const QString &location=QString ())
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class SlotClass , class... SlotArgs, class SlotReturn >
static bool connect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, SlotReturn (SlotClass::*slotMethod)(SlotArgs...), Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class T >
static bool connect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, T slotLambda, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, std::nullptr_t, const QObject *receiver, std::nullptr_t)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class SlotClass , class... SlotArgs, class SlotReturn >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, SlotReturn (SlotClass::*slotMethod)(SlotArgs...))
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, std::nullptr_t slotMethod=nullptr)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class T >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, T slotMethod)
static QMetaObjectstaticMetaObject ()
static QString tr (const char *text, const char *comment=nullptr, std::optional< int > numArg=std::optional< int >())

Detailed Description

QPaintDeviceWindow is a subclass of the QWindow class with added functionality. Whenever the content needs to be updated the virtual paintEvent() method is called. This class should normally not be used directly in your application. It is intended to be used as a base class which your code will inherit and extend functionality.

See also

Method Documentation

qreal QWindow::devicePixelRatio ( ) const

Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels for the window. This value is dependent on the screen the window is on, and may change when the window is moved. Common values are 1.0 on normal displays and 2.0 on Apple "retina" displays.

If this QWindow has not been displayed this method will fall back to QApplication::devicePixelRatio() which returns the highest screen device pixel ratio found on the system.

See also
QScreen::devicePixelRatio(), QApplication::devicePixelRatio()
int QWindow::height ( ) const

Returns the value of the QWindow::height property.

int QPaintDeviceWindow::metric ( PaintDeviceMetric  metric) const

Returns the metric information for the given paint device metric.

See also

Reimplemented from QPaintDevice::metric()

Reimplemented in QRasterWindow::metric()

void QPaintDeviceWindow::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent event)

Handles paint events passed by the parameter event. The default implementation does nothing and must be reimplement in an inherited class to perform painting. If necessary the dirty area is retrievable from the event.

Reimplemented in QOpenGLWindow::paintEvent()

void QPaintDeviceWindow::update ( )

Marks the entire window as dirty and schedules a repaint. Subsequent calls to this method before the next paint event will get ignored. For non-exposed windows the update is deferred until the window becomes exposed again.

void QPaintDeviceWindow::update ( const QRect rect)

Marks the rect of the window as dirty and schedules a repaint. Subsequent calls to this method before the next paint event will get ignored, but rect is added to the region to update. For non-exposed windows the update is deferred until the window becomes exposed again.

void QPaintDeviceWindow::update ( const QRegion region)

Marks the region of the window as dirty and schedules a repaint. Subsequent calls to this function before the next paint event will get ignored, but region is added to the region to update. For non-exposed windows the update is deferred until the window becomes exposed again.

int QWindow::width ( ) const

Returns the value of the QWindow::width property.

Property Documentation


The height of the window's geometry.

PropertiesClass Methods

The width of the window's geometry.

PropertiesClass Methods