CopperSpice API
Collection of classes which are used to implement a Graphical User Interface. More...
Classes | |
class | QAbstractButton |
Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons More... | |
class | QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem |
Common base for all path items More... | |
class | QAbstractItemDelegate |
Used to display and edit data items from a model More... | |
class | QAbstractItemView |
Basic functionality for item view classes More... | |
class | QAbstractPrintDialog |
Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers More... | |
class | QAbstractProxyModel |
Provides a base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering, or other data processing tasks More... | |
class | QAbstractScrollArea |
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars More... | |
class | QAbstractSlider |
Integer value within a range More... | |
class | QAbstractSpinBox |
Spinbox and a line edit to display values More... | |
class | QAbstractTextDocumentLayout |
An abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocument More... | |
class | QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext |
A nested class which defines the parameters used when painting a document layout More... | |
class | QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection |
A nested class which defines the parameters of a document selection More... | |
class | QAccessible |
Enums and static functions relating to accessibility More... | |
class | QAccessible::State |
Structure which defines bit flags that indicate the state of an accessible object More... | |
class | QAccessibleActionInterface |
Implements support for invocable actions in the interface More... | |
class | QAccessibleBridge |
Base class for accessibility back-ends More... | |
class | QAccessibleBridgePlugin |
Abstract base for accessibility bridge plugins More... | |
class | QAccessibleEvent |
Base class for accessibility notifications More... | |
class | QAccessibleInterface |
Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects More... | |
class | QAccessibleObject |
Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects More... | |
class | QAccessiblePlugin |
Abstract base for accessibility plugins More... | |
class | QAccessibleTableCellInterface |
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interface More... | |
class | QAccessibleTableInterface |
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface More... | |
class | QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent |
Indicates a change in a table, list, or tree when cells are added or removed More... | |
class | QAccessibleTextInterface |
Implements support for text handling More... | |
class | QAccessibleValueInterface |
Support for objects which represent a value More... | |
class | QAccessibleWidget |
Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets More... | |
class | QAction |
Stores information about a process or command which can be added to a menu or a toolbar More... | |
class | QActionEvent |
Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed More... | |
class | QActionGroup |
Groups actions together More... | |
class | QApplication |
Manages the control flow and main settings of a GUI application More... | |
class | QBackingStore |
Provides a drawing area for QWindow More... | |
class | QBitmap |
Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps More... | |
class | QBoxLayout |
Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically More... | |
class | QBrush |
Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter More... | |
class | QButtonGroup |
Container to organize groups of button widgets More... | |
class | QCalendarWidget |
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date More... | |
class | QCheckBox |
Checkbox with a text label More... | |
class | QClipboard |
Access to the window system clipboard More... | |
class | QCloseEvent |
Parameters that describe a close event More... | |
class | QColor |
Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values More... | |
class | QColorDialog |
Provides a dialog widget for specifying colors More... | |
class | QColormap |
Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values More... | |
class | QColumnView |
Model/view implementation of a column view More... | |
class | QComboBox |
Combined button and popup list More... | |
class | QCommandLinkButton |
Vista style command link button More... | |
class | QCommonStyle |
Encapsulates the common look and feel of a GUI More... | |
class | QCompleter |
Completions based on an item model More... | |
class | QConicalGradient |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush More... | |
class | QContextMenuEvent |
Parameters that describe a context menu event More... | |
class | QCursor |
Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape More... | |
class | QDataWidgetMapper |
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets More... | |
class | QDateEdit |
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget More... | |
class | QDateTimeEdit |
Provides a widget for editing dates and times More... | |
class | QDesktopServices |
Provides methods for accessing common desktop services More... | |
class | QDesktopWidget |
Access to screen information on multi-head systems More... | |
class | QDial |
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) More... | |
class | QDialog |
Base class of dialog windows More... | |
class | QDialogButtonBox |
A widget which displays buttons in a layout appropriate to the current widget style More... | |
class | QDirModel |
Data model for the local file system More... | |
class | QDockWidget |
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window More... | |
class | QDoubleSpinBox |
Spin box widget that takes doubles More... | |
class | QDoubleValidator |
Range checking of floating-point numbers More... | |
class | QDrag |
Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer More... | |
class | QDragEnterEvent |
Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it More... | |
class | QDragLeaveEvent |
Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it More... | |
class | QDragMoveEvent |
Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress More... | |
class | QDropEvent |
Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed More... | |
class | QEnterEvent |
Parameters that describe an enter event More... | |
class | QErrorMessage |
Error message display dialog More... | |
class | QExposeEvent |
Event parameters for expose events More... | |
class | QFileDialog |
Provides a dialog which allow the selection of files or directories More... | |
class | QFileIconProvider |
File icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes More... | |
class | QFileOpenEvent |
Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL More... | |
class | QFileSystemModel |
Data model for the local file system More... | |
class | QFocusEvent |
Event parameters for widget focus events More... | |
class | QFocusFrame |
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area More... | |
class | QFont |
Specifies a font used for drawing text More... | |
class | QFontComboBox |
Combobox that lets the user select a font family More... | |
class | QFontDatabase |
Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system More... | |
class | QFontDialog |
Provides a dialog widget for selecting a font More... | |
class | QFontInfo |
General information about fonts More... | |
class | QFontMetrics |
Font metrics information More... | |
class | QFontMetricsF |
Provides font metrics information More... | |
class | QFormLayout |
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels More... | |
class | QFrame |
Base class for all widgets which can have a frame More... | |
class | QFusionStyle |
Provides a modern platform widget style More... | |
class | QGenericMatrix< N, M, T > |
Template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows More... | |
class | QGenericPlugin |
Abstract base class for window-system related plugins More... | |
class | QGenericPluginFactory |
Creates plugin drivers More... | |
class | QGesture |
Gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input More... | |
class | QGestureEvent |
Description of triggered gestures More... | |
class | QGestureRecognizer |
Infrastructure for gesture recognition More... | |
class | QGlyphRun |
Direct access to the internal glyphs in a font More... | |
class | QGradient |
QGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills More... | |
class | QGraphicsAnchor |
Anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout More... | |
class | QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View More... | |
class | QGraphicsBlurEffect |
Blur effect More... | |
class | QGraphicsColorizeEffect |
Colorize effect More... | |
class | QGraphicsDropShadowEffect |
Drop shadow effect More... | |
class | QGraphicsEffect |
Base class for all graphics effects More... | |
class | QGraphicsEllipseItem |
Ellipse item which can added to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsGridLayout |
Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View More... | |
class | QGraphicsItem |
Base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsItemAnimation |
Simple animation support for QGraphicsItem More... | |
class | QGraphicsItemGroup |
Container that treats a group of items as a single item More... | |
class | QGraphicsLayout |
Base class for all layouts in a Graphics View More... | |
class | QGraphicsLayoutItem |
Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts More... | |
class | QGraphicsLineItem |
QGraphicsLineItem class provides a line item you can add to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsLinearLayout |
Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View More... | |
class | QGraphicsObject |
Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties More... | |
class | QGraphicsOpacityEffect |
Opacity effect More... | |
class | QGraphicsPathItem |
Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsPixmapItem |
Pixmap item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsPolygonItem |
Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsProxyWidget |
Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsRectItem |
Rectangle item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsRotation |
Rotation transformation around a given axis More... | |
class | QGraphicsScale |
Scale transformation More... | |
class | QGraphicsScene |
Provides a surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent |
Context menu events in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent |
Events for drag and drop in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneEvent |
Base class for all graphics view related events More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent |
Events when a tooltip is requested More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent |
Hover events in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent |
Mouse events in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent |
Events for widget moving in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent |
Events for widget resizing in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent |
Provides wheel events in the graphics view system More... | |
class | QGraphicsSimpleTextItem |
Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsTextItem |
Text item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text More... | |
class | QGraphicsTransform |
Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems More... | |
class | QGraphicsView |
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGraphicsWidget |
Base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene More... | |
class | QGridLayout |
Lays out widgets in a grid More... | |
class | QGroupBox |
Group box frame with a title More... | |
class | QGtkStyle |
Provides a widget style rendered by GTK+ More... | |
class | QHBoxLayout |
Lines up widgets horizontally More... | |
class | QHeaderView |
Provides headers for item views More... | |
class | QHelpEvent |
Indicates a request for information about a particular widget More... | |
class | QHideEvent |
Event which is sent after a widget is hidden More... | |
class | QHoverEvent |
Parameters which describe a mouse event More... | |
class | QIcon |
Scalable icons in different modes and states More... | |
class | QIconDragEvent |
Indicates a window icon drag has begun More... | |
class | QIconEngine |
Provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers More... | |
class | QIconEngine::AvailableSizesArgument |
Structure which represents arguments to the virtual_hook() function More... | |
class | QIconEnginePlugin |
Provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins More... | |
class | QIdentityProxyModel |
Proxies its source model unmodified More... | |
class | QImage |
Represents a bit map image More... | |
class | QImageIOHandler |
Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats More... | |
class | QImageIOPlugin |
Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin More... | |
class | QImageReader |
Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices More... | |
class | QImageWriter |
Provides a format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices More... | |
class | QInputDialog |
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user More... | |
class | QInputEvent |
Base class for events that describe user input More... | |
class | QInputMethod |
Access to the active text input method More... | |
class | QInputMethodEvent |
Parameters for input method events More... | |
class | QInputMethodEvent::Attribute |
The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute More... | |
class | QInputMethodQueryEvent |
Event sent by the input context to input objects More... | |
class | QIntValidator |
Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range More... | |
class | QItemDelegate |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model More... | |
class | QItemEditorCreator< T > |
This class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase More... | |
class | QItemEditorCreatorBase |
Provides an abstract base class which must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators More... | |
class | QItemEditorFactory |
Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates More... | |
class | QItemSelection |
Manages information about selected items in a model More... | |
class | QItemSelectionModel |
Keeps track of a view's selected items More... | |
class | QItemSelectionRange |
Manages information about a range of selected items in a model More... | |
class | QKeyEvent |
Describes a key event More... | |
class | QKeyEventTransition |
Transition for key events More... | |
class | QKeySequence |
Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts More... | |
class | QKeySequenceEdit |
Allows the user to specify a QKeySequence More... | |
class | QLCDNumber |
Displays a number with LCD digits More... | |
class | QLabel |
Text or image display More... | |
class | QLayout |
Base class of geometry managers More... | |
class | QLayoutItem |
Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates More... | |
class | QLineEdit |
Single line text edit widget More... | |
class | QLinearGradient |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush More... | |
class | QListView |
Provides a list or icon view onto a model More... | |
class | QListWidget |
Provides an item based list widget More... | |
class | QListWidgetItem |
Item for use with the QListWidget item view class More... | |
class | QMacCocoaViewContainer |
Provides a widget for OS X which is used to wrap arbitrary Cocoa views More... | |
class | QMacNativeWidget |
A class for creating Cocoa native widgets More... | |
class | QMacStyle |
Provides a Max OS X style using the Apple Appearance Manager More... | |
class | QMainWindow |
QMainWindow class provides the main GUI application window More... | |
class | QMatrix |
2D transformations of a coordinate system More... | |
class | QMatrix4x4 |
4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space More... | |
class | QMdiArea |
Area in which MDI windows are displayed More... | |
class | QMdiSubWindow |
Subwindow class for QMdiArea More... | |
class | QMenu |
Provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus More... | |
class | QMenuBar |
Horizontal menu bar More... | |
class | QMessageBox |
Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer More... | |
class | QMouseEvent |
Parameters that describe a mouse event More... | |
class | QMouseEventTransition |
Transition for mouse events More... | |
class | QMoveEvent |
Event parameters for move events More... | |
class | QMovie |
Plays movies loaded with QImageReader More... | |
class | QNativeGestureEvent |
Parameters that describe a gesture event More... | |
class | QOffscreenSurface |
Offscreen surface in the underlying platform More... | |
class | QOpenGLBuffer |
Methods for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects More... | |
class | QOpenGLContext |
Represents a native OpenGL context which is used to render OpenGL content on a QSurface More... | |
class | QOpenGLContextGroup |
Group of contexts sharing OpenGL resources More... | |
class | QOpenGLExtraFunctions |
Cross platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API More... | |
class | QOpenGLFramebufferObject |
Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object More... | |
class | QOpenGLFunctions |
Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API More... | |
class | QOpenGLPaintDevice |
Enables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter More... | |
class | QOpenGLShaderProgram |
Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used More... | |
class | QOpenGLWidget |
Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics More... | |
class | QOpenGLWindow |
Subclass of QWindow used to perform OpenGL painting More... | |
class | QPageLayout |
Describes the size, orientation and margins of a page More... | |
class | QPageSetupDialog |
Provides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer More... | |
class | QPageSize |
Describes information about standard page sizes More... | |
class | QPagedPaintDevice |
Represents a paint device which supports multiple pages More... | |
class | QPaintDevice |
Base class of objects that can be painted More... | |
class | QPaintDeviceWindow |
Subclass of the QWindow class More... | |
class | QPaintEngine |
Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform More... | |
class | QPaintEngineState |
Information about the active paint engine's current state More... | |
class | QPaintEvent |
Event parameters for paint events More... | |
class | QPainter |
Performs low level painting operations on widgets and other paint devices More... | |
class | QPainter::PixmapFragment |
A class used in conjunction with QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() to specify how a pixmap is drawn More... | |
class | QPainterPath |
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused More... | |
class | QPainterPath::Element |
Specifies the position and type of a subpath More... | |
class | QPainterPathStroker |
Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path More... | |
class | QPalette |
Contains color groups for each widget state More... | |
class | QPanGesture |
Describes a panning gesture made by the user More... | |
class | QPdfWriter |
Generates a PDF which can be used as a paint device More... | |
class | QPen |
Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes More... | |
class | QPicture |
Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands More... | |
class | QPictureFormatPlugin |
Abstract base for custom picture format plugins More... | |
class | QPictureIO |
Parameters for loading and saving pictures More... | |
class | QPinchGesture |
Describes a pinch gesture made by the user More... | |
class | QPixmap |
Off-screen image representation which can be used as a paint device More... | |
class | QPixmapCache |
Application-wide cache for pixmaps More... | |
class | QPixmapCache::Key |
Class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCache More... | |
class | QPlainTextDocumentLayout |
Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument More... | |
class | QPlainTextEdit |
Widget which is used to edit and display plain text More... | |
class | QPlatformAccessibility |
Base class for integrating accessibility backends More... | |
class | QPlatformBackingStore |
Provides the drawing area for top-level windows More... | |
class | QPlatformClipboard |
Provides an abstraction for the system clipboard More... | |
class | QPlatformCursor |
Provides information about pointer device events and the displayed cursor More... | |
class | QPlatformCursorImage |
Provides a set of graphics intended to be used as cursors More... | |
class | QPlatformDialogHelper |
Provides platform-specific customization of dialogs More... | |
class | QPlatformDrag |
Abstraction for drag More... | |
class | QPlatformFontDatabase |
Customize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered More... | |
class | QPlatformGraphicsBuffer |
Window system abstraction for native graphics buffers More... | |
class | QPlatformInputContext |
Represents the input method dependent data and composing state More... | |
class | QPlatformIntegration |
Entry point for the WindowSystem specific functionality More... | |
class | QPlatformIntegrationPlugin |
Provides access to the gui platform plugin More... | |
class | QPlatformMenu |
Abstract base class for a native menu More... | |
class | QPlatformMenuBar |
Abstract base class for a native menu bar More... | |
class | QPlatformMenuItem |
Abstract base class for a native menu item More... | |
class | QPlatformMessageDialogHelper |
Provides platform-specific customization of message dialogs More... | |
class | QPlatformNativeInterface |
Provides an abstraction for retrieving native resource handles More... | |
class | QPlatformOffscreenSurface |
Additional documentation pending More... | |
class | QPlatformOpenGLContext |
Provides an abstraction for native GL contexts More... | |
class | QPlatformPixmap |
Provides an abstraction for native pixmaps More... | |
class | QPlatformPrintDevice |
Provides access to the print functions on the current platform More... | |
class | QPlatformPrinterSupport |
Provides an abstraction for print support More... | |
class | QPlatformScreen |
Provides an abstraction for visual displays More... | |
class | QPlatformServices |
Provides the backend for desktop related functionality More... | |
class | QPlatformSessionManager |
Provides an interface to the platform session management system More... | |
class | QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache |
Abstraction of a cross-process graphics cache More... | |
class | QPlatformSurface |
Provides an abstraction for a surface More... | |
class | QPlatformSurfaceEvent |
Used to notify about native platform surface events More... | |
class | QPlatformSystemTrayIcon |
Abstracts the system tray icon More... | |
class | QPlatformTheme |
Allows customizing the UI based on themes More... | |
class | QPlatformThemePlugin |
Provides an abstraction for theme plugins More... | |
class | QPlatformWindow |
Provides an abstraction for top level windows More... | |
class | QPolygon |
Vector of points using integer precision More... | |
class | QPolygonF |
Vector of points using floating point precision More... | |
class | QPrintDialog |
Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration More... | |
class | QPrintEngine |
Defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem More... | |
class | QPrintPreviewDialog |
Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output More... | |
class | QPrintPreviewWidget |
Widget for previewing page layouts for printer output More... | |
class | QPrinter |
Paint device which outputs to a printer More... | |
class | QPrinterInfo |
Gives access to information about existing printers More... | |
class | QProgressBar |
Horizontal or vertical progress bar More... | |
class | QProgressDialog |
Feedback on the progress of a long running operation More... | |
class | QProxyStyle |
Simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements More... | |
class | QPushButton |
Provides a command button widget More... | |
class | QQuaternion |
Quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar More... | |
class | QRadialGradient |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush More... | |
class | QRadioButton |
Radio button with a text label More... | |
class | QRasterPaintEngine |
Enables hardware acceleration of painting operations on Embedded Linux More... | |
class | QRasterWindow |
A class for painting with QPainter on a QWindow More... | |
class | QRawFont |
Provides access to a single physical instance of a given font More... | |
class | QRegion |
Clip region for a painter More... | |
class | QRegularExpressionValidator |
Validates a string based on a regular expression More... | |
class | QResizeEvent |
Event parameters for resize events More... | |
class | QRgba64 |
The QRgba64 struct contains a 64-bit RGB color More... | |
class | QRubberBand |
Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary More... | |
class | QScreen |
Used to query screen properties More... | |
class | QScrollArea |
Provides a way to scroll some other widget More... | |
class | QScrollBar |
Vertical or horizontal scroll bar More... | |
class | QScrollEvent |
Sent when scrolling More... | |
class | QScrollPrepareEvent |
Sent in preparation of scrolling More... | |
class | QScroller |
Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item More... | |
class | QScrollerProperties |
Stores the settings for a QScroller More... | |
class | QSessionManager |
Access to the session manager More... | |
class | QShortcut |
Used to create keyboard shortcuts More... | |
class | QShortcutEvent |
Event which is generated when the user presses a key combination More... | |
class | QShowEvent |
Event that is sent when a widget is shown More... | |
class | QSizeGrip |
Resize top level windows More... | |
class | QSizePolicy |
Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy More... | |
class | QSlider |
Vertical or horizontal slider More... | |
class | QSortFilterProxyModel |
Provides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view More... | |
class | QSpacerItem |
Blank space in a layout More... | |
class | QSpinBox |
Spin box widget More... | |
class | QSplashScreen |
Splash screen that can be shown during application startup More... | |
class | QSplitter |
Implements a splitter widget More... | |
class | QSplitterHandle |
Handle functionality of the splitter More... | |
class | QStackedLayout |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time More... | |
class | QStackedWidget |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time More... | |
class | QStandardItem |
Used to create an item which is then passed to a QStandardItemModel More... | |
class | QStandardItemEditorCreator< T > |
Provides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase More... | |
class | QStandardItemModel |
Used to store data as defined by the software model/view paradigm More... | |
class | QStaticText |
Enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely More... | |
class | QStatusBar |
Horizontal area for presenting status information More... | |
class | QStatusTipEvent |
Event that is used to show messages in a status bar More... | |
class | QStringListModel |
Implements a model where the data is a list of strings More... | |
class | QStyle |
Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI More... | |
class | QStyleFactory |
Creates QStyle objects More... | |
class | QStyleHintReturn |
Style hints which return more than basic data types More... | |
class | QStyleHintReturnMask |
Style hints that return a QRegion More... | |
class | QStyleHintReturnVariant |
Style hints that return a QVariant More... | |
class | QStyleHints |
Platform specific hints and settings More... | |
class | QStyleOption |
Stores the parameters used by methods in QStyle More... | |
class | QStyleOptionButton |
Described the parameters for drawing buttons More... | |
class | QStyleOptionComboBox |
Used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox More... | |
class | QStyleOptionComplex |
Holds parameters which are common to all complex controls More... | |
class | QStyleOptionDockWidget |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget More... | |
class | QStyleOptionFocusRect |
Contains parameters used when drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle More... | |
class | QStyleOptionFrame |
Describes the parameters for drawing a frame More... | |
class | QStyleOptionGraphicsItem |
Stores parameters used to draw a QGraphicsItem More... | |
class | QStyleOptionGroupBox |
Describes the parameters for drawing a group box More... | |
class | QStyleOptionHeader |
Stores parameters for drawing a header More... | |
class | QStyleOptionMenuItem |
Used when drawing a menu item More... | |
class | QStyleOptionProgressBar |
Describes the parameters used for drawing a progress bar More... | |
class | QStyleOptionRubberBand |
Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band More... | |
class | QStyleOptionSizeGrip |
Contains parameters used for drawing a size grip More... | |
class | QStyleOptionSlider |
Parameters used for drawing a slider More... | |
class | QStyleOptionSpinBox |
Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box More... | |
class | QStyleOptionTab |
Describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar More... | |
class | QStyleOptionTabBarBase |
Base version, describes the base region of a tab bar More... | |
class | QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame |
Describes the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget More... | |
class | QStyleOptionTitleBar |
Parameters for drawing a title bar More... | |
class | QStyleOptionToolBar |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar More... | |
class | QStyleOptionToolBox |
Describes the parameters used to draw a tool box More... | |
class | QStyleOptionToolButton |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button More... | |
class | QStyleOptionViewItem |
Base version, describes the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget More... | |
class | QStylePainter |
Used for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget More... | |
class | QStylePlugin |
Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins More... | |
class | QStyledItemDelegate |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model More... | |
class | QSupportedWritingSystems |
Used when registering fonts with the internal fontdatabase More... | |
class | QSurface |
Abstraction of renderable surfaces More... | |
class | QSurfaceFormat |
Represents the format of a QSurface More... | |
class | QSwipeGesture |
Describes a swipe gesture made by the user More... | |
class | QSyntaxHighlighter |
QSyntaxHighlighter class provides a mechanism for defining highlighting rules More... | |
class | QSystemTrayIcon |
Icon for an application in the system tray More... | |
class | QTabBar |
Tab bar used in tabbed dialogs More... | |
class | QTabWidget |
Stack of tabbed widgets More... | |
class | QTableView |
Default model/view implementation of a table view More... | |
class | QTableWidget |
Item-based table view with a default model More... | |
class | QTableWidgetItem |
Item for use with the QTableWidget class More... | |
class | QTableWidgetSelectionRange |
Way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model More... | |
class | QTabletEvent |
Parameters that describe a Tablet event More... | |
class | QTapAndHoldGesture |
Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user More... | |
class | QTapGesture |
Describes a tap gesture made by the user More... | |
class | QTextBlock |
Container for text fragments in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextBlock::iterator |
The QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlock More... | |
class | QTextBlockFormat |
Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextBlockGroup |
Container for text blocks within a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextBlockUserData |
Used to associate custom data with blocks of text More... | |
class | QTextBrowser |
Rich text browser with hypertext navigation More... | |
class | QTextCharFormat |
Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextCursor |
Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments More... | |
class | QTextDocument |
Holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit More... | |
class | QTextDocumentFragment |
Piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextDocumentWriter |
Provides a format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices More... | |
class | QTextEdit |
Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text More... | |
class | QTextEdit::ExtraSelection |
The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document More... | |
class | QTextFormat |
Formatting information for a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextFragment |
Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat More... | |
class | QTextFrame |
Frame in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextFrame::iterator |
The QTextFrame::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrame More... | |
class | QTextFrameFormat |
Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextImageFormat |
Formatting information for images in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextInlineObject |
Represents an inline object in a QTextLayout More... | |
class | QTextItem |
All the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine More... | |
class | QTextLayout |
Used to lay out and render text More... | |
class | QTextLayout::FormatRange |
This structure is used to apply extra formatting information More... | |
class | QTextLength |
Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextLine |
Line of text inside a QTextLayout More... | |
class | QTextList |
Decorated list of items in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextListFormat |
Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextObject |
Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together More... | |
class | QTextObjectInterface |
Allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments More... | |
class | QTextOption |
Description of general rich text properties More... | |
class | QTextOption::Tab |
Structure which represents a tab stop More... | |
class | QTextTable |
Table in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextTableCell |
Properties of a cell in a QTextTable More... | |
class | QTextTableCellFormat |
Formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTextTableFormat |
Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument More... | |
class | QTileRules |
Holds the rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into segments More... | |
class | QTimeEdit |
Provides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget More... | |
class | QToolBar |
Provides a movable panel that contains a set of controls More... | |
class | QToolBox |
Column of tabbed widget items More... | |
class | QToolButton |
Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar More... | |
class | QToolTip |
Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget More... | |
class | QTouchDevice |
Describes the device from which touch events originate More... | |
class | QTouchEvent |
Contains parameters that describe a touch event More... | |
class | QTouchEvent::TouchPoint |
Information about a touch point in a QTouchEvent More... | |
class | QTransform |
Specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system More... | |
class | QTreeView |
Model/view implementation of a tree view More... | |
class | QTreeWidget |
Tree view that uses a predefined tree model More... | |
class | QTreeWidgetItem |
Provides an item used with the QTreeWidget class More... | |
class | QTreeWidgetItemIterator |
Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance More... | |
class | QUndoCommand |
Base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack More... | |
class | QUndoGroup |
Group of QUndoStack objects More... | |
class | QUndoStack |
A stack of QUndoCommand objects More... | |
class | QUndoView |
Displays the contents of a QUndoStack More... | |
class | QVBoxLayout |
Lines up widgets vertically More... | |
class | QValidator |
Validation of input text More... | |
class | QVector2D |
Vector or vertex in 2D space More... | |
class | QVector3D |
Vector or vertex in 3D space More... | |
class | QVector4D |
Represents a point or vector in 4D space More... | |
class | QWhatsThis |
Used to provide a simple help description of a widget More... | |
class | QWhatsThisClickedEvent |
Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text More... | |
class | QWheelEvent |
Parameters that describe a wheel event More... | |
class | QWidget |
Base class for all user interface controls More... | |
class | QWidgetAction |
Used to add custom widgets for classes like a QToolbar which support actions More... | |
class | QWidgetItem |
Layout item that represents a widget More... | |
class | QWindow |
Represents a window in the underlying windowing system More... | |
class | QWindowStateChangeEvent |
Window state before a window state change More... | |
class | QWindowsStyle |
Microsoft Windows-like look and feel More... | |
class | QWindowsVistaStyle |
Provides a look and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista More... | |
class | QWindowsXPStyle |
Microsoft Windows XP-like look and feel More... | |
class | QWizard |
Provides support for wizards More... | |
class | QWizardPage |
Base class for wizard pages More... | |
Graphical user interface (GUI) components. The CsGui library extends CsCore with GUI functionality.