CopperSpice API  1.9.2
Deprecated List
Member QAbstractItemDelegate::elidedText (const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics, int width, Qt::TextElideMode mode, const QString &text)
Use QFontMetrics::elidedText() instead.
Member QAbstractItemView::horizontalStepsPerItem () const
Returns the horizontal scroll bar's steps per item.
Member QAbstractItemView::setHorizontalStepsPerItem (int steps)
Sets the horizontal scroll bar's steps per item to steps.
Member QAbstractItemView::setVerticalStepsPerItem (int steps)
Sets the vertical scroll bar's steps per item to steps.
Member QAbstractItemView::verticalStepsPerItem () const
Returns the vertical scroll bar's steps per item.
Member QAbstractPrintDialog::addEnabledOption (PrintDialogOption option)
Use QPrintDialog::setOption(option, true) instead.
Member QAbstractPrintDialog::enabledOptions () const
Use QPrintDialog::options() instead.
Member QAbstractPrintDialog::isOptionEnabled (PrintDialogOption option) const
Use QPrintDialog::testOption(option) instead.
Member QAbstractPrintDialog::setEnabledOptions (PrintDialogOptions options)
Use QPrintDialog::setOptions() instead.
Member QAtomicInt::testAndSetAcquire (int expectedValue, int newValue)
Member QAtomicInt::testAndSetOrdered (int expectedValue, int newValue)
Member QAtomicInt::testAndSetRelaxed (int expectedValue, int newValue)
Member QAtomicInt::testAndSetRelease (int expectedValue, int newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndAddAcquire (std::ptrdiff_t valueToAdd)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndAddOrdered (std::ptrdiff_t valueToAdd)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndAddRelaxed (std::ptrdiff_t valueToAdd)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndAddRelease (std::ptrdiff_t valueToAdd)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndStoreAcquire (T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndStoreOrdered (T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndStoreRelaxed (T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::fetchAndStoreRelease (T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::testAndSetAcquire (T *expectedValue, T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::testAndSetOrdered (T *expectedValue, T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::testAndSetRelaxed (T *expectedValue, T *newValue)
Member QAtomicPointer< T >::testAndSetRelease (T *expectedValue, T *newValue)
Member QBitmap::transformed (const QMatrix &matrix) const
This method converts the matrix to a QTransform and calls the overloaded method.
Member QColor::dark (int factor=200) const
Use darker(factor) instead.
Member QColor::light (int factor=150) const
Use lighter(factor) instead.
Member QComboBox::autoCompletion
This property holds whether the combobox provides auto-completion for editable items.
Member QComboBox::autoCompletionCaseSensitivity
This property holds whether string comparisons are case-sensitive or case-insensitive for auto-completion.
Member QDesktopWidget::numScreens () const
Use screenCount instead.
Member QDialog::extension () const
Returns the dialog's extension or a nullptr if no extension has been defined.
Member QDialog::orientation () const
Returns the dialog's extension orientation.
Member QDialog::setExtension (QWidget *extension)
Sets the widget, extension, to be the dialog's extension, deleting any previous extension. The dialog takes ownership of the extension. Note that if 0 is passed any existing extension will be deleted. This function must only be called while the dialog is hidden.
Member QDialog::setOrientation (Qt::Orientation orientation)
If orientation is Qt::Horizontal, the extension will be displayed to the right of the dialog's main area. If orientation is Qt::Vertical, the extension will be displayed below the dialog's main area.
Member QDialog::showExtension (bool showExt)
If showExt is true, the dialog's extension is shown, otherwise the extension is hidden.
Member QDir::addResourceSearchPath (const QString &path)
Use QDir::addSearchPath() with a prefix instead.
Member QDir::operator= (const QString &path)
Use setPath() instead.
Member QDrag::start (Qt::DropActions supportedActions=Qt::CopyAction)
Member QFile::readLink (const QString &fileName)
Use symLinkTarget() instead.
Member QFileDialog::confirmOverwrite
This property holds whether the filedialog should ask before accepting a selected file, when the accept mode is AcceptSave.
Member QFileDialog::nameFilterDetailsVisible
This property holds this property holds whether the filter details is shown or not.
Member QFileDialog::readOnly
This property holds whether the filedialog is read-only.
Member QFileDialog::resolveSymlinks
This property holds whether the filedialog should resolve shortcuts.
Member QFileInfo::readLink () const
Use symLinkTarget() instead.
Member QGLContext::QGLContext (const QGLFormat &format, QPaintDevice *device)
Constructs an OpenGL context for the given paint device, which can be a widget or a pixmap. The format specifies several display options for the context.
Member QGLWidget::setFormat (const QGLFormat &format)
Sets a new format for this widget.
Member QGraphicsItem::handlesChildEvents () const
Returns true if this item handles child events (i.e., all events intended for any of its children are instead sent to this item), otherwise false is returned.
Member QGraphicsItem::matrix () const
Returns the item's affine transformation matrix. This is a subset or the item's full transformation matrix, and might not represent the item's full transformation.
Member QGraphicsItem::resetMatrix ()
Use resetTransform() instead.
Member QGraphicsItem::sceneMatrix () const
Use sceneTransform() instead.
Member QGraphicsItem::setHandlesChildEvents (bool enabled)
If enabled is true, this item is set to handle all events for all its children (i.e., all events intended for any of its children are instead sent to this item), otherwise if enabled is false, this item will only handle its own events. The default value is false.
Member QGraphicsItem::setMatrix (const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine=false)
Sets the item's affine transformation matrix. This is a subset or the item's full transformation matrix, and might not represent the item's full transformation.
Member QGraphicsItemAnimation::reset ()
Resets the item to its starting position and transformation.
Member QGraphicsScene::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[], QWidget *widget=nullptr)
Paints the given items using the provided painter, after the background has been drawn, and before the foreground has been drawn. All painting is done in scene coordinates. Before drawing each item, the painter must be transformed using QGraphicsItem::sceneTransform().
Member QGraphicsSvgItem::isCachingEnabled () const
Use QGraphicsItem::cacheMode() instead.
Member QGraphicsSvgItem::setCachingEnabled (bool caching)
Use QGraphicsItem::setCacheMode() instead. Passing true to this function is equivalent to QGraphicsItem::setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache).
Member QGraphicsView::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[])
Not recommend for application code.
Member QImage::alphaChannel () const
Returns the alpha channel of the image as a new grayscale QImage in which each pixel's red, green, and blue values are given the alpha value of the original image. The color depth of the returned image is 8-bit.
Member QImage::serialNumber () const
Use cacheKey() instead.
Member QImage::setAlphaChannel (const QImage &alphaChannel)
Sets the alpha channel of this image to the given alphaChannel.
Member QImageIOHandler::name () const
Use format() instead.
Member QLayout::margin
This property holds the width of the outside border of the layout.
Member QLineF::angle (const QLineF &lineF) const
Returns the angle (in degrees) between this line and the given line, taking the direction of the lines into account. If the lines do not intersect within their range, it is the intersection point of the extended lines that serves as origin (see QLineF::UnboundedIntersection).
Member QListWidget::isItemHidden (const QListWidgetItem *item) const
Use QListWidgetItem::isHidden() instead.
Member QListWidget::isItemSelected (const QListWidgetItem *item) const
Use QListWidgetItem::isSelected() instead.
Member QListWidget::setItemHidden (const QListWidgetItem *item, bool hide)
Use QListWidgetItem::setHidden() instead.
Member QListWidget::setItemSelected (const QListWidgetItem *item, bool select)
Use QListWidgetItem::setSelected() instead.
Member QListWidgetItem::backgroundColor () const
This method is deprecated. Use background() instead.
Member QListWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
This method is deprecated. Use setBackground() instead.
Member QListWidgetItem::setTextColor (const QColor &color)
This method is deprecated. Use setForeground() instead.
Member QListWidgetItem::textColor () const
This method is deprecated. Use foreground() instead.
Member QMacStyle::focusRectPolicy (const QWidget *widget)
Returns the focus rectangle policy for the widget.
Member QMacStyle::setFocusRectPolicy (QWidget *widget, FocusRectPolicy policy)
Sets the focus rectangle policy of widget. The policy can be one of QMacStyle::FocusRectPolicy.
Member QMacStyle::setWidgetSizePolicy (const QWidget *widget, WidgetSizePolicy policy)
Call QWidget::setAttribute() with Qt::WA_MacMiniSize, Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, or Qt::WA_MacNormalSize instead.
Member QMediaPlayer::supportedMimeTypes (Flags flags=Flags ())
Member QMessageBox::QMessageBox (const QString &title, const QString &text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2, QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags=Qt::Dialog|Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint)
Use QMessageBox::QMessageBox() which uses the StandardButtons enum.
Member QMessageBox::buttonText (int button) const
Use button() and QPushButton::text() instead.
Member QMessageBox::critical (QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, int button0, int button1, int button2=0)
Use QMessageBox::critical() which uses the StandardButtons enum.
Member QMessageBox::information (QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, int button0, int button1=0, int button2=0)
Use QMessageBox::information() which uses the StandardButtons enum.
Member QMessageBox::question (QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, int button0, int button1=0, int button2=0)
Use QMessageBox::question() which uses the StandardButtons enum.
Member QMessageBox::setButtonText (int button, const QString &text)
Use addButton() instead.
Member QMessageBox::standardIcon (Icon icon)
Call QStyle::standardIcon() with QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation etc. instead.
Member QMessageBox::warning (QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, int button0, int button1, int button2=0)
Use QMessageBox::warning() which uses the StandardButtons enum.
Member QPaintEngineState::matrix () const
Returns the matrix in the current paint engine state.
Member QPainter::combinedMatrix () const
Returns the transformation matrix combining the current window/viewport and world transformation.
Member QPainter::deviceMatrix () const
Returns the matrix that transforms from logical coordinates to device coordinates of the platform dependent paint device.
Member QPainter::drawRoundRect (const QRectF &rect, int xRound=25, int yRound=25)
Draws the given rect with rounded corners.
Member QPainter::matrix () const
Use worldTransform() instead.
Member QPainter::matrixEnabled () const
Use worldMatrixEnabled() instead.
Member QPainter::redirected (const QPaintDevice *device, QPoint *point=nullptr)
This method is not required when using QWidget::render().
Member QPainter::resetMatrix ()
Resets any transformations that were made using translate(), scale(), shear(), rotate(), setWorldMatrix(), setViewport() and setWindow().
Member QPainter::restoreRedirected (const QPaintDevice *device)
Use QWidget::render() instead.
Member QPainter::setMatrix (const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine=false)
Use setWorldTransform() instead.
Member QPainter::setMatrixEnabled (bool enable)
Use setWorldMatrixEnabled() instead.
Member QPainter::setRedirected (const QPaintDevice *device, QPaintDevice *replacement, const QPoint &point=QPoint ())
Use QWidget::render() instead.
Member QPainter::setWorldMatrix (const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine=false)
Sets the transformation to the given matrix and enables transformations. It is advisable to use setWorldTransform() instead of this method to preserve the properties of perspective transformations.
Member QPainter::worldMatrix () const
Returns the world transformation matrix.
Member QPainterPath::addRoundRect (const QRectF &rect, int xRound, int yRound)
Adds a rectangle rect with rounded corners to the path.
Member QPainterPath::subtractedInverted (const QPainterPath &other) const
Use subtracted() instead.
Member QPalette::QPalette (const QColor &windowText, const QColor &window, const QColor &light, const QColor &dark, const QColor &mid, const QColor &text, const QColor &base)
Constructs a palette with the specified windowText, window, light, dark, mid, text, and base colors. The button color will be set to the window color.
Member QPalette::background () const
Use window() instead.
Member QPalette::foreground () const
Use windowText() instead.
Member QPicture::inputFormatList ()
Returns a list of picture formats that are supported for picture input.
Member QPicture::inputFormats ()
Returns a list of picture formats that are supported for picture input.
Member QPicture::outputFormatList ()
Returns a list of picture formats that are supported for picture output.
Member QPicture::outputFormats ()
Returns a list of picture formats that are supported for picture output.
Member QPicture::pictureFormat (const QString &fileName)
Returns a string which specifies the picture format of the file fileName or an empty string if the file can not be read or if the format is not recognized.
Member QPixmapCache::find (const QString &key, QPixmap &pixmap)
Use bool find(const QString&, QPixmap*) instead.
Member QPrinter::actualNumCopies () const
Returns the number of copies that will be printed. The default value is 1.
Member QPrinter::numCopies () const
Returns the number of copies to be printed. The default value is 1.
Member QPrinter::setNumCopies (int numCopies)
Sets the number of copies to be printed to numCopies.
Member QProcess::readChannelMode () const
Returns the read channel mode of the QProcess. Equivalent to calling to processChannelMode().
Member QProcess::setReadChannelMode (ProcessChannelMode mode)
Use setProcessChannelMode(mode) instead.
Member QResource::addSearchPath (const QString &path)
Use QDir::addSearchPath() with a prefix instead.
Member QResource::searchPaths ()
Use QDir::searchPaths() instead.
Member QScriptEngine::canEvaluate (const QString &program) const
Returns true if program can be evaluated; i.e. the code is sufficient to determine whether it appears to be a syntactically correct program, or contains a syntax error.
Member QScriptValue::QScriptValue (QScriptEngine *engine, uint value)
Constructs a new QScriptValue with the unsigned integer value and registers it with the script engine.
Member QScriptValue::isBoolean () const
Use isBool() instead.
Member QScriptValue::toBoolean () const
Use toBool() instead.
Member QScriptValue::toObject () const
This function is obsolete; use QScriptEngine::toObject() instead.
Member QSettings::setSystemIniPath (const QString &dir)
Use setPath() instead.
Member QSettings::setUserIniPath (const QString &dir)
Use setPath() instead.
Member QStyle::standardPixmap (StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QStyleOption *option=nullptr, const QWidget *widget=nullptr) const = 0
Use standardIcon() instead.
Member QTableView::sortByColumn (int column)
Member QTableWidget::isItemSelected (const QTableWidgetItem *item) const
Use QTableWidgetItem::isSelected() instead.
Member QTableWidget::setItemSelected (const QTableWidgetItem *item, bool select)
Use QTableWidgetItem::setSelected() instead.
Member QTableWidgetItem::backgroundColor () const
Use background() instead.
Member QTableWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
Use setBackground() instead.
Member QTableWidgetItem::setTextColor (const QColor &color)
Use setForeground() instead.
Member QTableWidgetItem::textColor () const
Use foreground() instead.
Member QTextCharFormat::anchorName () const
Use anchorNames() instead.
Member QTextCharFormat::setAnchorName (const QString &name)
Use setAnchorNames() instead.
Member QTextList::isEmpty () const
Returns true if the list has no items, otherwise returns false.
Member QTreeView::sortByColumn (int column)
Member QTreeWidget::isItemExpanded (const QTreeWidgetItem *item) const
Use QTreeWidgetItem::isExpanded() instead.
Member QTreeWidget::isItemHidden (const QTreeWidgetItem *item) const
Use QTreeWidgetItem::isHidden() instead.
Member QTreeWidget::isItemSelected (const QTreeWidgetItem *item) const
Use QTreeWidgetItem::isSelected() instead.
Member QTreeWidget::setItemExpanded (const QTreeWidgetItem *item, bool expand)
Use QTreeWidgetItem::setExpanded() instead.
Member QTreeWidget::setItemHidden (const QTreeWidgetItem *item, bool hide)
Use QTreeWidgetItem::setHidden() instead.
Member QTreeWidget::setItemSelected (const QTreeWidgetItem *item, bool select)
Use QTreeWidgetItem::setSelected() instead.
Member QTreeWidgetItem::backgroundColor (int column) const
Use background() instead.
Member QTreeWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor (int column, const QColor &color)
Use setBackground() instead.
Member QTreeWidgetItem::setTextColor (int column, const QColor &color)
Use setForeground() instead.
Member QTreeWidgetItem::textColor (int column) const
Use foreground() instead.
Member QUrl::encodedFragment () const
Member QUrl::encodedHost () const
Member QUrl::encodedPassword () const
Member QUrl::encodedPath () const
Member QUrl::encodedQuery () const
Member QUrl::encodedUserName () const
Member QUrl::fromPunycode (const QByteArray &punycode)
Member QUrl::setEncodedFragment (const QByteArray &fragment)
Member QUrl::setEncodedHost (const QByteArray &host)
Member QUrl::setEncodedPassword (const QByteArray &password)
Member QUrl::setEncodedPath (const QByteArray &path)
Member QUrl::setEncodedQuery (const QByteArray &query)
Member QUrl::setEncodedUrl (const QByteArray &url, ParsingMode parsingMode=TolerantMode)
Member QUrl::setEncodedUserName (const QByteArray &userName)
Member QUrl::toPunycode (const QString &string)
Member QWebFrame::textSizeMultiplier
This property holds the scaling factor for all text in the frame.
Member QWebView::textSizeMultiplier
This property holds the scaling factor for all text in the frame.
Member QWidget::topLevelWidget () const
Use window() instead.
Member QXmlReader::parse (const QXmlInputSource &input) = 0
Parses the given input.
Member qvariant_cast
Use x.value<T>() instead.