CopperSpice API  1.9.1

Containers, Strings, Date/Time, and low level classes used in most applications. More...


class  CsLibraryInfo
 Structure which provides information related to how CopperSpice was built More...
class  QAbstractAnimation
 Base class for all animations More...
class  QAbstractEventDispatcher
 Interface to manage the event queue More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine
 Abstraction for accessing the file system More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
 Provides an extended input argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionReturn
 Provides an extended output argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionOption
 Indicates a file engine supports the map() method More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionReturn
 Indicates a file engine which supports returning an address from the map() method More...
class  QAbstractFileEngine::UnMapExtensionOption
 Indicates a file engine supports the unmap() method More...
class  QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 Supports a mechanism to register custom file engines with your application More...
class  QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 Iterator interface for custom file engines More...
class  QAbstractItemModel
 Abstract interface for item model classes More...
class  QAbstractListModel
 Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models More...
class  QAbstractNativeEventFilter
 Provides an interface for receiving native events, such as MSG or XCB event structs More...
class  QAbstractState
 Base class for states in a QStateMachine More...
class  QAbstractTableModel
 Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models More...
class  QAbstractTransition
 Base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects More...
class  QAnimationGroup
 Abstract base class for groups of animations More...
class  QAtomicInt
 Platform independent atomic operations on integers More...
class  QAtomicPointer< T >
 Template providing platform independent atomic operations on pointers More...
class  QBasicTimer
 Timer events for objects More...
class  QBitArray
 Stores an array of bits More...
class  QBuffer
 QIODevice interface for a QByteArray More...
class  QByteArray
 Stores a sequence of bytes More...
class  QCache< Key, T >
 Used to store elements in a cache container More...
class  QChar
 Typedef for the QChar32 class More...
class  QChar32
 Implements a 32-bit Unicode code point More...
class  QChildEvent
 Event parameters for child object events More...
class  QCommandLineOption
 Defines a possible command-line option More...
class  QCommandLineParser
 Provides a way to process command line options More...
class  QContiguousCache< T >
 Container providing a contiguous cache More...
class  QCoreApplication
 Implements an event loop for console applications More...
class  QCryptographicHash
 Way to generate cryptographic hashes More...
class  QDataStream
 Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice More...
class  QDate
 Stores a calendar date which consists of a month, day, and year More...
class  QDateTime
 Stores date and time information More...
class  QDebug
 Generates output for debugging More...
class  QDebugStateSaver
 Custom QDebug operators More...
class  QDir
 Access to directory structures and their contents More...
class  QDirIterator
 Iterator for directory entrylists More...
class  QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent
 Event parameters for dynamic property change events More...
class  QEasingCurve
 Easing curves for controlling animation More...
class  QElapsedTimer
 Fast way to calculate elapsed times More...
class  QEvent
 Base class for all event classes More...
class  QEventLoop
 Means of entering and leaving an event loop More...
class  QEventTransition
 QObject specific transition for events More...
class  QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< T >
 Pointer to an explicitly shared object More...
class  QFSFileEngine
 Implements the default file engine More...
class  QFile
 Interface for reading from and writing to files More...
class  QFileDevice
 Provides an interface for reading from and writing to open files More...
class  QFileInfo
 System independent file information More...
class  QFileSystemWatcher
 Provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications More...
class  QFinalState
 Final state More...
class  QFlags< E >
 Provides a type safe mechanism for representing bitwise-or combinations of enum values More...
class  QFlatMap< Key, Val, C >
 Template class which uses a vector to implement a sorted map More...
class  QFlatMap< Key, Val, C >::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QFlatMap More...
class  QFlatMap< Key, Val, C >::iterator
 STL style iterator for QFlatMap More...
class  QFlatMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style const iterator for QFlatMap More...
class  QFuture< T >
 Result of an asynchronous computation More...
class  QFuture< T >::const_iterator
 Implements an STL style const iterator for QFuture More...
class  QFutureIterator< T >
 Java-style const iterator for QFuture More...
class  QFutureSynchronizer< T >
 Simplifies QFuture synchronization More...
class  QFutureWatcher< T >
 Allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots More...
class  QHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Template class which provides an unordered container of keys and values More...
class  QHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QHash More...
class  QHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >::iterator
 STL style non-const iterator for QHash More...
class  QHashIterator< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Java style const iterator for QHash More...
class  QHistoryState
 Provides a means of returning to a previously active substate More...
class  QIODevice
 Base interface class of all I/O devices More...
class  QJsonArray
 Encapsulates a JSON array More...
class  QJsonDocument
 Provides a way to read and write JSON documents More...
class  QJsonObject
 Encapsulates a JSON object More...
class  QJsonParseError
 Used to report errors during JSON parsing More...
class  QJsonValue
 Encapsulates a value in JSON More...
class  QLibrary
 Loads shared libraries at runtime More...
class  QLibraryInfo
 Information about how CopperSpice was built More...
class  QLine
 Two-dimensional vector using integer precision More...
class  QLineF
 Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision More...
class  QLinkedList< T >
 Template class which stores values in a linked list More...
class  QLinkedList< T >::const_iterator< T >
 The QLinkedList::const_iterator class provides an STL const iterator for QLinkedList More...
class  QLinkedList< T >::iterator< T >
 The QLinkedList::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QLinkedList More...
class  QLinkedListIterator< T >
 Java style const iterator for QLinkedList More...
class  QList< T >
 Template class which stores a list of values More...
class  QList< T >::const_iterator< T >
 The QList::const_iterator class provides an STL style const iterator for QList and QQueue More...
class  QList< T >::iterator< T >
 The QList::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QList and QQueue More...
class  QListIterator< T >
 Java style const iterator for QList and QQueue More...
class  QLocale
 Formats data based on a given language or country More...
class  QLockFile
 Locking between processes using a file More...
class  QMap< Key, Val, C >
 Template class which provides a sorted container of keys and values More...
class  QMap< Key, Val, C >::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QMap More...
class  QMap< Key, Val, C >::iterator
 STL style iterator for QMap More...
class  QMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style const iterator for QMap More...
class  QMargins
 Defines the four margins of a rectangle More...
class  QMarginsF
 Defines the four margins of a rectangle More...
class  QMessageAuthenticationCode
 Provides a way to generate hash-based message authentication codes More...
class  QMetaClassInfo
 Additional information about a class More...
class  QMetaEnum
 Provides meta data about an enumerator More...
class  QMetaMethod
 Meta data for a given method More...
class  QMetaObject
 Stores meta information about objects More...
class  QMetaProperty
 Meta data about a property More...
class  QMimeData
 Container for data and the associated MIME type More...
class  QModelIndex
 Used to locate data in a data model More...
class  QMultiHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Template class which provides an unordered container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys More...
class  QMultiHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QMultiHash More...
class  QMultiHash< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >::iterator
 STL style non-const iterator for QMultiHash More...
class  QMultiHashIterator< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Java style const iterator for QMultiHash More...
class  QMultiMap< Key, Val, C >
 Template class which provides a sorted container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys More...
class  QMultiMap< Key, Val, C >::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QMultiMap More...
class  QMultiMap< Key, Val, C >::iterator
 STL style iterator for QMultiMap More...
class  QMultiMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style const iterator for QMultiMap More...
class  QMutableFlatMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style non-const iterator for QFlatMap More...
class  QMutableHashIterator< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Java style non-const iterator for QHash More...
class  QMutableLinkedListIterator< T >
 Java style iterator for QLinkedList More...
class  QMutableListIterator< T >
 Java style iterator for QList and QQueue More...
class  QMutableMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style non-const iterator for QMap More...
class  QMutableMultiHashIterator< Key, Val, Hash, KeyEqual >
 Java style non-const iterator for QMultiHash More...
class  QMutableMultiMapIterator< Key, Val, C >
 Java style non-const iterator for QMultiMap More...
class  QMutableSetIterator< T >
 Java style iterator for QSet More...
class  QMutableVectorIterator< T >
 Java style iterator for QVector and QStack More...
class  QMutex
 Provides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads More...
class  QMutexLocker
 Simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes More...
class  QObject
 Base class of all CopperSpice objects More...
class  QObjectCleanupHandler
 Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects More...
class  QPair< T1, T2 >
 Stores a pair of items More...
class  QParallelAnimationGroup
 Parallel group of animations More...
class  QPauseAnimation
 Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup More...
class  QPersistentModelIndex
 Used to locate data in a data model More...
class  QPluginLoader
 Loads a plugin at runtime More...
class  QPoint
 Defines a point in the plane using integer precision More...
class  QPointF
 Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision More...
class  QPointer< T >
 Contains a pointer to a QObject More...
class  QProcess
 Used to start external programs and communicate with them More...
class  QProcessEnvironment
 Holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program More...
class  QPropertyAnimation
 Animates properties More...
class  QQueue< T >
 Template class which provides a queue More...
class  QReadLocker
 Simplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for read access More...
class  QReadWriteLock
 Read and write locking More...
class  QRect
 Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision More...
class  QRectF
 Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision More...
class  QRecursiveMutex
 Provides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads More...
class  QRecursiveMutexLocker
 Simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes More...
class  QRegularExpression< S >
 Provides pattern matching using regular expressions More...
class  QRegularExpressionMatch< S >
 Provides the results of matching a QRegularExpression for a given string More...
class  QResource
 Interface for reading directly from resources More...
class  QRunnable
 Base class for all runnable objects More...
class  QSaveFile
 Interface for safely writing to files More...
class  QScopedArrayPointer< T, Deleter >
 Contains a pointer to a dynamically allocated array More...
class  QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >
 Contains a pointer to an object and takes exclusive ownership More...
class  QScopedValueRollback< T >
 QScopedValueRollback class resets a variable to its previous value on destruction More...
class  QSemaphore
 General counting semaphore More...
class  QSequentialAnimationGroup
 Sequential group of animations More...
class  QSet< T >
 Template class which provides a set implemented as a hash More...
class  QSet< T >::const_iterator
 Provides an STL style const iterator for QSet More...
class  QSet< T >::iterator
 Provides an STL style iterator for QSet More...
class  QSetIterator< T >
 Java style const iterator for QSet More...
class  QSettings
 Way to save and restore user or application settings More...
class  QSharedData
 Base class for shared data objects More...
class  QSharedDataPointer< T >
 Represents a pointer to an implicitly shared object More...
class  QSharedMemory
 Access to a shared memory segment More...
class  QSharedPointer< T >
 Stores a pointer to a potentially shared object More...
class  QSignalMapper
 Bundles signals from identifiable senders More...
class  QSignalTransition
 Transition based on a signal More...
class  QSize
 Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision More...
class  QSizeF
 Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision More...
class  QSocketNotifier
 Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor More...
class  QStack< T >
 Template class which provides a stack More...
class  QStandardPaths
 QStandardPaths class provides methods for accessing standard paths More...
class  QState
 General-purpose state for QStateMachine More...
class  QStateMachine
 QStateMachine class provides a hierarchical finite state machine More...
class  QStateMachine::SignalEvent
 Signal event More...
class  QStateMachine::WrappedEvent
 Inherits QEvent and holds a clone of an event associated with a QObject More...
class  QString
 Typedef for QString8 More...
class  QString16
 Provides a UTF-16 string class More...
class  QString16::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QString16 More...
class  QString16::iterator
 STL style iterator for QString16 More...
class  QString8
 Provides a UTF-8 string class More...
class  QString8::const_iterator
 STL style const iterator for QString8 More...
class  QString8::iterator
 STL style iterator for QString8 More...
class  QStringList
 Provides a container which is optimized for strings More...
class  QStringParser
 Provides functionality for parsing a string More...
class  QStringView< S >
 String view class More...
class  QSysInfo
 QSysInfo provides information about the computer where the application is running More...
class  QSystemSemaphore
 General counting system semaphore More...
class  QTemporaryDir
 Creates a unique directory for temporary use More...
class  QTemporaryFile
 I/O device which operates on temporary files More...
class  QTextBoundaryFinder
 Provides a way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string More...
class  QTextCodec
 Converts between text encodings and QString More...
class  QTextCodecPlugin
 Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins More...
class  QTextDecoder
 State-based decoder More...
class  QTextEncoder
 State-based encoder More...
class  QTextStream
 Interface for reading and writing text More...
class  QThread
 Platform independent way to manage threads More...
class  QThreadPool
 Manages a collection of QThreads More...
class  QThreadStorage< T >
 Per-thread data storage More...
class  QTime
 Stores time information More...
class  QTimeLine
 Timeline for controlling animations More...
class  QTimeZone
 Converts a QDateTime between UTC and local time for a given time zone More...
class  QTimeZone::OffsetData
 Stores time zone offset data for a transition More...
class  QTimer
 Provides repetitive and single-shot timers More...
class  QTimerEvent
 Parameters that describe a timer event More...
class  QTranslator
 Internationalization support for text output More...
class  QUniqueArrayPointer< T, Deleter >
 Typedef for QScopedArrayPointer More...
class  QUniquePointer< T, Deleter >
 Typedef for QScopedPointer More...
class  QUrl
 Interface for working with URL syntax More...
class  QUrlQuery
 Provides a way to manipulate key-value pairs in a URL's query More...
class  QUuid
 Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) More...
class  QVarLengthArray< T, Prealloc >
 Low level variable length array More...
class  QVariant
 Stores a single value of almost any data type More...
class  QVariantAnimation
 Provides an abstract base class for animations More...
class  QVector< T >
 Template class which provides a dynamic or resizable array More...
class  QVector< T >::const_iterator
 The QVector::const_iterator class provides an STL style const iterator for QVector and QStack More...
class  QVector< T >::iterator
 The QVector::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QVector and QStack More...
class  QVectorIterator< T >
 Java style const iterator for QVector and QStack More...
class  QVersionNumber
 Contains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments More...
class  QWaitCondition
 Condition variable for synchronizing threads More...
class  QWeakPointer< T >
 Stores a weak pointer to a potentially shared object More...
class  QWriteLocker
 Simplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for write access More...
class  QXmlStreamAttribute
 Represents a single XML attribute More...
class  QXmlStreamAttributes
 Vector of QXmlStreamAttribute More...
class  QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
 DTD entity declaration More...
class  QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 Entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader More...
class  QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
 Namespace declaration More...
class  QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
 DTD notation declaration More...
class  QXmlStreamReader
 Fast parser for reading well formed XML via a simple streaming API More...
class  QXmlStreamWriter
 XML writer with a simple streaming API More...
class  QtConcurrent::Exception
 The QtConcurrent::Exception class provides a base class for exceptions that can transferred across threads More...
class  QtConcurrent::UnhandledException
 Unhandled exception in a worker th
class  QtConcurrentMap
 Header providing Concurrent Map and MapReduce More...
class  QtConcurrentRun
 A header which supports running functions in separate threads More...

Detailed Description

General and low level classes required for every software program. This includes functionality to handle string processing, containers, file I/O, event dispatch, smart pointers, regular expressions, timers, and more. All other CopperSpice libraries depend on this library.